Cancellation of order

All merchants must take all necessary steps to complete the order cancellation process. The requirements for each step are set out below.

1 Basic Principles

The following are the general rules for order cancellation:

1.1 Merchant and Buyer Cancellation (Basic Principles)

• If the merchant uses warehouse delivery, all buyer cancellation requests will be processed by Artisteki.

• Once payment is completed, both buyers and merchants can cancel the order before the order status in the “Merchant Center” is updated to “Waiting for Shipment-Waiting for Collection”.

• Merchants and buyers can communicate before the order is cancelled. Merchants must not use abusive or threatening language when communicating, and merchants must not change any transaction terms (such as price) after the order is completed.

• However, if the merchant believes that the buyer has abused the order cancellation process, the merchant can submit a work order by selecting “Complaints and Disputes-Complaints about Buyers” in the “Merchant Center”.

1.2 Merchant Cancellation (Basic Principles)

• Before the order status is updated to “Shipped”, merchants can cancel confirmed orders in accordance with platform rules.

• If the buyer does not pay within the time specified by the merchant (whichever is applicable), the order will be automatically cancelled.

• If the merchant does not take any action on the customer’s cancellation or refund request within 24 hours after the customer requests cancellation, the pending cancellation or refund request will be automatically approved by Artisteki and the customer will be refunded. If the merchant has completed the shipment and needs to reject the cancellation request, the merchant must upload the logistics tracking number within 24 hours after receiving the cancellation request. The buyer’s cancellation request needs to be approved if the goods have not been shipped.

1.3 Buyer Cancellation of Order (Basic Principles)

• If the order delivery type is “Artisteki delivery” or “merchant self-shipping”, and the order status has not been updated to “pending shipment-waiting for collection”, then the buyer can cancel the order without the merchant’s approval.

◦ Please note that trading cards are a special category, whether it is “Artisteki delivery” or “merchant self-shipping” delivery method, the buyer’s cancellation requires the merchant’s approval.

• If the order status of “Artisteki delivery” is still “pending” for more than 48 hours after payment or “pending for collection” for more than 120 hours, and the order status of “merchant self-delivery” is still “pending” for more than 1 working day after payment or “pending for collection” for more than 3 working days, then the buyer can choose “slow delivery” as the reason for canceling the order.

• After the order status is updated to “pending delivery-waiting for collection”, the buyer cannot cancel the order.

2 Merchant Cancellation of Orders

If the product is not available due to out-of-stock or unforeseen inventory loss, then the merchant can notify the buyer and cancel the order. However, cancellations in such scenarios will be counted towards the merchant’s Business Responsibility Cancellation Rate (SFCR).

• All order cancellations must be notified to the buyer promptly via internal message. All notifications must be in English and explain the reason for the order cancellation.

• If the merchant cancels an order that has been paid, the buyer is entitled to an immediate full refund. However, the merchant may not ask the buyer to cancel the order due to its own inventory shortage/problems.

• Merchants should also note that unilateral cancellation of orders may result in negative feedback from buyers.

Merchants should note that if Artisteki has reasonable grounds to believe that the merchant has violated these rules, the after-sales policy or any other agreement between Artisteki and the merchant, then Artisteki may also investigate and take action, including the following situations:

• The platform detects that the frequency of order cancellations is too high.

• The platform suspects that the merchant has violated the platform policies or rules.

• The platform suspects that the merchant has engaged in any fraudulent behavior.

3 Order cancellation due to payment failure

In some cases, order cancellation may occur due to payment failure (such as insufficient funds, bank rejection of payment request, risk assessment, etc.) or false purchase behavior by the buyer.

In such cases, Artisteki will notify the merchant in the “Merchant Center” and remind the merchant by email when the order is cancelled. The merchant only needs to confirm that the order has been cancelled in the “Manage Order Module” and no further action is required.

4 Order cancellation due to buyer’s “change of mind”

If the buyer changes his mind and decides to cancel the order, the buyer can select the appropriate reason from the following to cancel the order:

• Need to change the payment method.

• The discount is not as expected.

• The order was created incorrectly.

• The shipping cost is expensive.

• It is too expensive.

• The wrong delivery address was filled in.

• The product was not shipped on time.

• Don’t want it anymore.

• Forgot to use the coupon.

5 Automatic Order Cancellation

For merchant orders, if the order is not updated to “pending” within 3 calendar days after the initial order is created, or if the order is ready to ship but not updated to “shipped” within 7 calendar days after creation, then Artisteki will automatically cancel the order. The amount paid for the goods will be refunded to the buyer.

Receive an email reminder and in-app notification 2 business days before the order automatic cancellation rule is implemented. Select “I want to wait” to avoid the order being automatically cancelled. If the order is not delivered within 30 calendar days after the estimated delivery time, the order will also be automatically cancelled. At this time, the buyer will not be able to choose to continue to keep their order, and the amount paid for the goods will be refunded to the buyer. For Artisteki warehouse orders, no “I want to wait” option reminder will be sent to consumers.

Before the order automatic cancellation rule is implemented, merchants will receive daily reminders urging them to update the order status of pending orders. Merchants must refund buyers within 5 calendar days after the order is cancelled.